Josh Cleveland

Smouse in the House Podcast:

Season 3, Episode 1

Josh Cleveland. Photo credit: Tom Smouse, 2022.

Having known Josh Cleveland for over 10 years, recording this podcast at his home felt extremely comfortable. His humor, wit, and detail in songwriting are instantly present in our conversation. Together, we dive into his evolution as a songwriter, along with exploring his magical home with a long history of music creation. There’s heartfelt warmth in the emotions and stories Josh tells in his songs, and his south Minneapolis neighborhood nurtures that passion. 

Please let us introduce you to an artist that is ready to have a very prosperous 2023!


Hosted by Tom Smouse

Produced & Edited by Carol Roth

Web Design by Jaclyn Nott

Photography by Tom Smouse

Intro/Outro Music by Ellkaye (aka Lila Karash)

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Jaclyn Nott & Tom Smouse

Tom Smouse. Photo credit: Chris Taylor.

Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.

Tom Smouse

Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.

Lonesome Dan Kase


Samuel J. DuBois